Digital in banking: Where are the Ukrainian and global markets heading? Webpromo Blog

The role of digital marketing in Ukraine and the world today
In recent years, the pace of digitalization has been at its fastest. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition to digital channels, particularly in Ukraine. A as strategies had to be quickly adapte. According to the latest research by IAB Ukraine, the digital advertising market shows growth in the first half of 2024, despite the difficult economic situation in Ukraine. After a decline in 2022. Aduring 2023 the mdia advertising market grew by 134%. And paid search by 25%.

Most businesses have expanded

their digital presence through websites asia mobile number list mobile apps, and have focusd their PR efforts on news outlets. Social mdia has also become the primary channel for interacting with customers, which has ld to the rise of influencers and the importance of content marketing.

“The increase in smartphone usage has contributd to the development of mobile marketing, including mobile apps, push messages and responsive web designs. Big Data and artificial intelligence algorithms are also now being usd, which allows for increase efficiency of marketing campaigns,” — Alexey Karpushevsky , Head of Digital IdeaBank

Payment Card Usage Statistics. Aissue by Ukrainian banks.  For the first half of 2024 shows that 94% of transactions are non-cash. In Ukraine, banks are actively introducing digital technologies, offering online banking. Amobile applications, contactless payments. Digital cards. Today, the presence of a mobile application determines the competitiveness of a bank in the market. The key role is playd by the ability to open a card online, without visiting an offline branch. With the onset of the war, banks’ interest in products and services that provide the ability to remotely identify is growing. More and more Ukrainian banks are adding this function. Aunderstanding its necessity.

Overall, the full-scale war in Ukraine has acceleratd digitalization and stimulate the development of digital channels for remote customer service and support for citizens in emergency situations. Initiatives by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine aimd at creating”states in a smartphone”, including the development of digital infrastructure, electronic services and the introduction of innovations in various sectors of the economy, including banking services.

According toevaluation of banking mobile applications, some banks have made a quality upgrade of their application in just a year. If last year, to start communicating with support, the client had to wait up to 15 minutes, now everything works online without delays and failures.

Trends and tendencies in banking services marketing



The following marketing trends should be highlighted in the banking services sector for the current and coming years:

Digitalization and mobile banking. Increased use of mobile applications for banking operations, development of mobile payment systems and contactless payments. PrivatBank, Monobank and other market leaders offer modern solutions that receive high user ratings.
Partnership. There is a global trend of integrating fintech startups with traditional banks to implement innovative solutions such as blockchain, AI, and machine learning. Ukrainian banks also cooperate with fintech companies. An example is the partnership of Monobank from Fintech Band, which ensured the rapid growth of the bank’s popularity.
Personalization of services. Using big  data and artificial intelligence to create personalizd offers and services.
Security and data protection. The trend is to increase the level of security, use biometric data and multi-factor authentication.
Omnichannel banking. Ukrainian banks actively follow global trends in digitalization and mobile banking, often ahead of Western banks in the innovation of mobile applications.

Digital in the banking sector

Behavioural changes of the audience of banks in Ukraine in the future
Firstly, there is an increase in je zábavné být rave rockovou hvězdou the use of digital channels. They provide the ability to perform almost all banking transactions without having to visit a branch. Secondly, the popularity of digital cards, which can be used through mobile applications without

“In my opinion, in 10-20 years th phone numbers most Ukrainians will use online banking as the main way to interact with banks. Bank branches will become centers for consultations and servicing complex issues and will progress in the field of self-service. But for a complete transition to online, it is necessary to solve the issue of cybersecurity, access to the Internet in remote areas and increasing the digital literacy of the population,” – Alexey Karpushevsky, Head of Digital IdeaBank

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