How to create creatives for advertising

Yandex Zen and Mail Pulse are unique advertising platforms for advertising , or better to say, tools for promoting business on the Internet , which help find new visitors, increase the audience and, in addition to this, allow you to understand specific goals. And the goal is full reading, and not just “looked in and left.” And even better – clicks to the site and thus increasing the conversion of advertising .

The main thing is to choose

The right product and build the work taiwan phone number library around it, and then the funnel of user needs will work as it should, namely:

  • identify the need;
  • generate demand;
  • conduct a comparative analysis;
  • create an aha-moment (when the user first comes into contact with the product);
  • get contact.

In regular media

Everything works differently, and there is nothing similar there, of course, there is simply material published with the hope that it will be what it is and how it can help your business read and that’s it. Something similar can be found only on Facebook, but you can’t compare the volume of advertising articles and full-fledged posts of 5000 characters, hardly less. The final user engagement varies significantly.

This is the secret of Yandex Zen and Mail Pulse. These services for earning money on the Internet are annually increasing their turnover and attracting more and more new users. They can rightfully be considered a new trend, a breath of fresh air in the field of content marketing. In addition, they are also distinguished by relatively democratic prices, unlike other sites.

Of course, there are difficulties, but with rich data the right approach, deep thought and competent writing of the article, you can move mountains. But there are still pitfalls. These projects need expertise and careful analysis, which is why there are certified agencies working with Yandex Zen advertising.


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