What happens is that with the appearance Last updated on of the Internet and the accelerat. evolution of e-commerce , customers have the opportunity to ask questions online to form a more complete opinion before buying.
Questions such as: what is the best model of study lamp? or what is the most flexible CRM for sales ? are typ. thousands of times a day, as a prelude to a purchase decision.
Behavioral segmentation: the route to selling more and better
By Douglas da Silva, Web Content & SEO Associate, LATAM
Interaction with customers
Behavioral segmentation
If you have already heard about behavioral segmentation , you will know that it is a type of market research that is increasingly valu. and widespread, and whose results are extremely useful.
Imagine that you have list to data accompani. a client throughout their journey, you have facilitat. their transit through the sales funnel and you have also successfully carri. out lead scoring and lead nurturing .
Then the moment of truth arrives and the customer is undecid. about buying. You are confus., you don’t quite understand what happen.. “It seem. like a sure sale,” you tell yourself, quite frustrat..
It’s true that closing a sale is becoming Last updated on
More challenging. According to one report , the percentage of salespeople who achieve their quota decreas. from 63% to 53% over a five-year period. But let’s get back to our scenario.
It is quite possible that the sale projects where there is no seo specialist did not take place because you did not measure the behavioral variables that govern consumer behavior during the purchasing process .
This is what behavioral segmentation, also known as behavioral segmentation, is all about. Its application allows you to know which behavioral variables cmo email list impact the customer at the time of purchase .
You can assess these behavioural variables in advance by using the right metrics. For example, you can develop a strategy to neutralise the causes of customer indecision.
Likewise, to do behavioral segmentation you must have technology that allows you to efficiently collect and analyze the data reveal. in the customer’s interactions with your company .