Through the drawing boards. The so call style frames . Style frames precisely identify how the animate sequence should appear at a given moment. Style frames help you understand how to move the animation and therefore the story forward. Save the style frames as flat images. You can import them into after effects and resize them for reference. Two style frames create in adobe illustrator to create an animate infographic once the graphic elements and style frames have been create. It.s time to import everything into after effects.
Specifically to be able to send illustrations
After is able to import all vector graphics C Level Contact List from illustrator without problems. At this point start animating the elements keeping in mind the style frames and the type of animation you have decide for your infographic. An illustrator styleframe importe into after effects to create an animate infographic import and export ai files in after effects. For those who create animate infographics using the illustratorafter effects combination. It is important to point out the presence of an extension create . Made in illustrator directly into after effects without the nee for saving and cumbersome imports.
But the best combination of software
This is the extension overlord. Which you can find on this site the extension generates a small panel inside illustrator and after with BFB Directory commands that can. With one click. Send a drawing made in illustrator into after effects and vice versa. The cost of the plugin is quite low and if you work in tandem with these two software the investment is more than amortize. Software to create animate infographics there are various tools and tools online for creating animate infographics. For creating effective and professional infographics remains the adobe illustrator duo for the part and after effects for the animation.
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