This immediately creates trust and authority

I wouldn’t post on coffee blogs because roasters, sure, are interested in coffee and stuff, but coffee blogs are mostly written for consumers, not for roasters.

That’s why I would rather look at marketing blogs, because a roastery owner already thinks about marketing , business and everything else.

I would write very specific content about how local roasters can win customers, so I would write an article about it.

I would even try to get into a magazine , yes, a boring offline magazine.


If the content is really well researched, you have a good chance of getting in if you know how to write journalistically.

Not in an advertising manner or anything like that, but really writing according to journalistic standards.

Then you can also get into a magazine as a guest author .

Then people would become aware of me, would come to my landing page, download the thing, give me their email.

#5 Daily emails
I would email them daily.

Who would have thought?

Yes, anyone who knows me knows that I am notorious for my daily emails.

I would write them a fun email every day .

This is why daily canada email list emails don’t work for 99% of people out there .

Whenever people hear this:

What? daily emails?

Then everyone will log off , which is really annoying .

Yes it’s annoying when the emails aren’t fun

The emails not only have to provide value and added value, they first have to be fun and then provide value and be useful.

Many effectively driving the desired action people forget this or don’t know it because they have no idea, because they simply haven’t tried it.

If you try it once you will understand how important entertainment is in marketing.

Roastery betting email list owners, small business owners, tax advisors and so on, they are only human.

They also want to have fun in life.

They also want to have fun when they open their email inbox.

99% of the emails in your inbox are not fun.

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