If you are using the previous version. Simply press settings in the upper right corner of your screen. Then, select the option . To test the new adwords interface. This should reload your screen and take you to . The new layout. Next, you will want to go to the campaigns page. You can .
Then start a new campaign by clicking the
Large blue circle or the new nigeria phone number data campaign . Button at the bottom. Either way, you’ll be asked to create a new campaign or . Upload campaign settings. Loading campaign settings will allow you to create a new campaign using . Information from previous campaigns. On the next page, you will be asked to select your .
Campaign type you must choose show then you
Set your goals. If you set a . Goal, adwords will brevo offers a complete marketing package give you recommendations for settings and features within your campaign. But it . Is not necessary to set a goal. Simply select create a campaign without a goal. Please note that you cannot use the brand and product consideration or brand awareness and .
Reach objectives when trying to create a gmail
Campaign. But for this example, select bosnia and herzegovina leads no . Goal for the new campaign. Next, you will need to select your campaign subtype. This . Is where you want to designate that you are creating a gmail campaign. When you . Are done, press continue. Now the basic settings of your new campaign are ready to .
Begin set your audience specifications after setting up
The foundation for your new campaign, it’s . Time to specify the audience you’re trying to attract. On the next page, you’ll be . Asked to name your campaign, set the location and language, and select a bidding strategy . And budget. Set it up as you would a typical adwords campaign. Once you get .