In-app purchases and how to make money on them

This type of earnings is popular in gaming applications. Every gamer knows that you can buy game currency for quite ordinary money and then In-app purchases spend it on “pumping” characters, buying game goods, etc. For example, the well-known tanks. You cannot buy them other than for game gold coins. But you can buy coins for money.


  1. Users find such purchases south korea phone number library understandable and familiar.
  2. The risks are minimal.


  • If you don’t give the buyer constant “goodies”, he will stop investing in the game.
  • It’s difficult (and expensive) to introduce such a purchase into the game without damaging it.
  • There are very few whales (users who buy game currency constantly).

Selling subscriptions

Today, such industry giants as Google and Apple are actively promoting this topic. In this case, only part of the application’s functionality is provided for free. If the user wants to use maximum capabilities, he must buy a subscription ai marketing: the revolution of artificial intelligence in marketing and pay a monthly fee. For example, applications for narrow specialists, where relevant and unique articles are posted . Or TV series. The first episode is free, and if you want to find out that the killer is a plumber, subscribe for money.


  1. Payment is received monthly.
  2. Customer lifetime value and loyalty grow.
  3. There is a possibility of implementing a loyalty program for loyal users.


  • Only a few people like to part with their blood relatives.
  • The content must be truly unique and very useful, otherwise users will find a free option.
  • There are some problems in In-app purchases the implementation of paid subscription. It is technically difficult to track all the nuances.
  • Content should be updated regularly. No one will pay for 1 article per month, even if it is mega interesting.


This method is very similar to the previous one and is typical for applications. Here, too, you can get some functionality for free, and pay for powder data full access. An example is the Trello platform. You can download the application for free, use its wide basic functionality, but you can only add images, labels, etc. for money. The main thing here is to get the user hooked on the functionality of the basic model. So that he uses the application every day and can no longer do without it. Then it is much easier for him to fork out.


  1. This scheme is clear to users.
  2. It is easy to implement the idea.
  3. User loyalty is high, because the basic functionality is always free.


  • It is important (and difficult) to make In-app purchases the basic functionality as useful as possible so that the user does not want to give it up.
  • Paid features have to be really cool, otherwise no one will buy them.
  • As in other cases, only a few like to pay.
  • Unlike subscriptions, the user pays only once.

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