What you should consider when naming a company

Starting a company should never be rushed. Choosing a suitable name is a crucial step, because this name will stay with you for a long time and strengthens your branding. You should not dismiss the naming of your company, also known as the company name, as unimportant – especially not with a more complex form of establishment such as a GmbH. It is also important that your name meets certain legal requirements.

In this article, you will learn which regulations apply when naming a GmbH and what options you have when naming it. We will also show you how you can check your GmbH name to avoid problems when registering it.

What is a GmbH?

GmbH stands for limited liability company and is a legal form in Germany. It is a corporation that can be founded by one or more shareholders. They are then no longer liable with their personal assets, but with those of the GmbH – the share capital.

In this video we show you how to approach the naming process:


regulations for GmbH names

In principle, a company can initially have any name. However, as soon as you officially register it, the naming in Germany is subject to certain regulations. There are also certain legal requirements when choosing a GmbH name, new zealand email list which are regulated in the German Commercial Code (HGB) and the German Limited Liability Company Act (GmbHG). These regulations ensure that your company name is legally sound and there is no risk of confusion.

Important requirements for a GmbH name:

  • Uniqueness (company exclusivity): The company name must not be confused with existing companies.
  • Identifiability (company clarity): The name of the company must be suitable for identification and must not allow false conclusions to be drawn.
  • No misleading information (company truth): The company name must not suggest false facts about essential business circumstances such as the company’s purpose.
  • Indication of the legal form (company suffix): The legal form, in this case GmbH, must be indicated in the company name.
  • Registration (public company): In addition to information on the company headquarters, ownership, etc., the full name of the company must also be registered in the commercial register.

Reading tip: If you want to learn more about founding a GmbH beyond finding a name , personalized engagement strategies you will find everything you need to know in this article.

Types of company names

Of course, your GmbH name is not automatically excluded just because it may not be bursting with creativity. There are four different ways in which you can design your company name. Each of these types of names has its own advantages and legal peculiarities:

product names / product companies

With non-fiction companies, ch leads the name directly describes the activity or product of your company. This type of company name makes it easy for your customers to recognize what your company offers.

Example name: “Schnelle Logistik GmbH” – for a freight forwarding company


  • Clear communication of business activities
  • Direct Distinguishability


  • Little flexibility in expanding the business area
  • High risk that the name already exists

Fantasy names/fantasy companies

As the name suggests, fantasy company names consist of fictitious terms or word combinations. As long as you stick to the guidelines mentioned above, you can let your creativity run wild.

Example: “Zontrex GmbH” – for a company in the technology sector


  • Many opportunities for branding
  • Flexibility in the development of new business areas


  • Possible need for explanation
  • Less direct association with the industry

name companies / personal companies

A name or personal company contains the legal name of the company founder and possibly the names of other shareholders.

Example: “Teumer + Flegel & Partner GmbH” – for a law firm


  • Personal connection with easier trust building
  • Traditional, serious impact in certain industries


  • Limited transferability when selling the GmbH
  • High risk that the name already exists

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