YAN requires the same precise semantics as search

While studying the topic, we often came across advertising campaigns in the Yandex advertising network, which are created on the principle of search campaigns:

  • the semantic core of the site dug up with the help of a parser (using low-frequency keywords);
  • combining similar phrases or according to the “phrase – group” principle;
  • writing advertising texts using keys in the title or an auto-substitution template;
  • using the same minus word lists.

Developing advertising campaigns

Of this type requires a lot of work and time, and their success often does not justify itself.

The problem is that YAN targets uae phone number library advertisers according to two principles:

  1. thematic properties of the sites;
  2. behavioral characteristics of the audience.

This means that using a large number of negative keywords or total cross-minus will lead to a decrease in the target audience coverage and will interfere with the algorithms.

Upon careful study of the issue

It becomes clear that in large advertising campaigns, low-frequency queries account for 5-10% of traffic and conversions. The latter in shopify, businesses can natively set option is generally unique in its number, which does not allow for unambiguous conclusions and analysis of the effectiveness of key phrases.

Because of this, it is recommended to resort to high- and mid-frequency queries consisting of one to three words. This will help to significantly speed up and simplify the development, analytics and further optimization of the advertising campaign.

Grouping phrases should be

Done based on the product or audience. One group can have no more than 200 different phrases “keys”. The most important thing here vietnam news latter is compliance with the advertising messages and landing pages of this group. For example, for the topic “choosing a custom guitar” in one group there can be such key phrases : “choice”, “choosing a guitar”, “guitar master”, “help in buying a guitar”, etc. In the ad itself, you can write something like: “Looking for a good guitar? We will help you with this and negotiate the price of our services.” At the same time, in the search campaign, it is advisable to assign keys to different groups – this will help make Yandex ads more relevant.

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