THELéA-IFÉ Sulens mountain pasture schoolis interest in the relationships between, on the one hand, the collaborations between the different types of actors using a “chalet-school” in the mountain pastures and, on the other, the pagogical and didactic dimensions of these uses.
In this context, a second ition of a collaborative project between students from different backgrounds, preparing for professions that will require working together, took place on October 7 and 8.
It brought together:
5 students from the BTS Management and Protection of Nature course at the Mountain Trades Training Center; 13 apprentices from the professional forestry baccalaureate course at the MFR in Arclosan; as well as 10 apprentices from the professional landscape planning baccalaureate course at the agricultural college in Contamine-sur-Arve. They were supervis by 4 trainers from the different establishments, as well as by the australia email list project manager of the school mountain pasture (Morgane Duffy, LéA Correspondent), a project manager from the Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels 74 (Asters) and a project manager from the Community of Communes that owns the mountain pasture. Two researchers from the Professional Training and Apprenticeships research unit were present to observe and film the implementation of the project.
Like last year, the “productive” objective of the work was to cut down certain trees and bushes in a wood area of the mountain pasture, in order to encourage the cows to graze in the undergrowth and provide them with shade during periods of intense heat.
Following the feback from the first ition of the project
this objective was put on the back burner, to prioritize the ucational objective of learning interprofessional collaboration . To do this, the trainers had visitors here you will have several ways develop a more precise ucational scenario , aim at promoting “learning sharing” and allowing students to understand the role, skills and expertise of future professionals in each training course.
This scenario (below) articulat betting email list a time of mutual acquaintance between all the learners , with a time of preparation and a time of carrying out the project in subgroups mixing students from different training courses.