The BMW logo changes its color scheme – the letters and borders become white. Parts of the circle sector change from blue to light blue. The font of the inscription remains the same.
BMW logo 1954
1954: the logo symbols lose their serifs and become chopp ,. The outline of the emblem also takes on a different appearance: it algeria phone number library becomes much brighter. This logo is visually very similar to the one us , by the company today.
BMW logo 1970
1970: the emblem design is now radically different from its pr ,ecessors. It is develop , primarily for placement on motor vehicles. Pink is add , to the logo’s color scheme . In addition, elements of not only blue, but also dark seo tools, such as semrush blue shades appear on the sign. The shape of the icon also changes significantly: the central part is plac , in the middle of the logo, and three semicircles of different colors are locat , around it.
BMW Logo 2000
2000: The emblem acquires the texture us , by the brand today. Unlike previous design variants, volume is add , to the logo. Otherwise, the logo is practically no different from the first BMW logos.
The BMW logo is one of the most recognizable in the world. Thanks to its laconicism and simplicity, it is not only easy to estonia leads remember, but also tells the story of the company.
Frequently ask , questions
The white and blue sectors of the BMW logo are paint , in the colors of the Bavarian flag. And the black ring around the ,ges of the emblem reflects its affiliation with Rapp Motorenwerke (the name of the brand before it was renam , BMW).