code that will be understandable to different mail clients and will be displayed equally beautifully on all devices. As a rule, the “older” the code, the higher the probability Instructions for that it will work correctly. And although today there are HTML letter designers that simplify the layout of letters, their work is based on the same old principles of HTML template development. In this article, we will tell you how to create an HTML letter that users will appreciate.
Creating HTML Email: Basic Knowledge
There are two basic rules that you should always email list remember when you start laying out your letter:
Use HTML code tables when creating a template design. These will be huge tables with a large number of nested tables. But this approach helps to preserve the desired design on any device and in any mail client. Imagine that you have returned 20 years ago – and layout 🙂
Use internal CSS styles.
Some email clients will remove everything in the <head> and <body> tags, including CSS. Therefore, to change the styles of various pros and cons of pest analysis elements of the letter – color, background, fonts – it is recommended to specify parameters separately for each element in the body of the letter.
Now let’s take a closer look
At such a complex but interesting topic as email layout. One belgium numbers of the most common questions among beginners: Where to write the HTML letter template code? Not in Microsoft Word, right? It is convenient and clear when you immediately see what the written HTML letter code looks like and in what form the client will receive it.
The program for mass email mailings ePochta Mailer
Excellent functionality for parallel writing of code and viewing the created template in real time. Therefore, from here on all examples of creating, editing and sending a letter will be presented with its help. Download the software for mass email mailings free demo version of the program and while reading the article, immediately practice creating your email template.