is email. Aside from all other ways for a great t brand phone number database to reach customers, 61% of people said they prefer brands to contact them through email. This makes it the perfect tool to thank each customer one-on-one.
However, you can take this one step A great t further
by sending an email after customers receive their purchase. In this post-purchase-and-delivery email, ask customers how they liked their purchase, share a link where customers can sign in or sign up for your loyalty program, and explain all the value in leaving a product review. This is the best way to remind them in a way that is completely in line with your branding that they’re your ability to send emails in the future a part of a brand community where they can benefit greatly for future orders, and give your products some real, credible testimonials for new customers to discover!
Share reviews on all your marketing channels
When customers write positive reviews about your products, they’ve already shown their loyalty to your brand. These reviews will also empower your brand when new betting email list customers discover it, so make sure you use them to your marketing advantage. Aside from email, SMS, and on your website directly, take an omnichannel approach and reach out to your customers through other value-added content types. For example, you can leverage your reviews and loyalty on social media to create a higher impact from customers that follow you.