A capture form placed at the bottom has

An order of magnitude lower conversion than one located in the middle. This is explained by the fact that the user rarely reads to the end. Already turkey phone number library in the middle realizing whether he needs the product or not. The second option is the number of points. You shouldn’t turn the capture process into a survey – no one will tell. You about their mother’s maiden name or the name of their first cat to make a purchase.

Leave only those questions

That are important for a positive result what it is and how it can help your business of the contact and after-sales work. Lack of production Make sure that there are special scripts that turn off advertising when the desired product is not available. A person who clicks on an advertising link and does not find what he was looking for will no longer come to the page for another product. Having negative associations. In addition, no one is canceling the fee for traffic. Phone number clickability In this case, be sure to check whether clickability is enabled for the number listed on the site.

If the number cannot be clicked to call

You will lose a lot of customers – today, few list of real mobile phone numbers people will rewrite it manually. Page loading speed In the era of high-speed Internet. Users do not wait for the site to load. Both the conversion of contextual advertising and the percentage of refusals depend on this loading. While you still have to pay for the click that brought the client for a few seconds. No form validation There are cases when users complain that there is no response to their requests.


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