Behavioral segmentation based on the purchase decision

There are people who only buy cars from one Behavioral segmentation  brand, as they claim that it gives them the benefit of durability . Others only buy clothes with certain features because it makes them feel elegant .

This segmentation is not exclusive to B2C companies. A B2B case would be when an organization decides to purchase a sales CRM from a certain brand because it will provide flexibility .

4. This variable is closely related to the


Example we presented in the introduction to the post. By implementing it, you can check which obstacles hinder the purchase decision.

Do you remember that user for whom price is always an issue? Identifying the segment of customers who buy especially when there are promotions and discounts will be very useful.

What about those who only buy a product if it is recommended by a friend? By identifying the segment that bases their purchasing decision on social telegram number database proof , you can provide them with content that endorses the quality of your products.

A very unique group are those buyers who act as if they have all the time in the world. By segmenting them, you can design actions that stimulate their sense of urgency.

This is the case of undecided customers Behavioral segmentation


Their difficulty in deciding may be due to a lack of confidence or information, because they are comparing options or because they do not have the real intention of buying.

The effective application of this suggested time frames for follow-up emails based on behavioral market segmentation variable will provide you with the answer to many questions about the purchasing process and will also help you simplify it.

5. Status-oriented behavioral segmentation
This type of behavioral segmentation classifies customers according to the status of their relationship with the brand. Also known as life cycle segmentation, its implementation is necessary.

One way to represent this variable cmo email list might be to segment your market into groups of non-customers, ex-customers, potential customers, first-time customers, and regular users of a product.

When you have this information, you can design reinforcement actions for regular customers, attraction actions for non-customers, and reconquest actions for former customers.

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