These behaviors include actions such as pulling a trigger, starting a conversation, running away from a person or making a decision. They also include glandular and visceral responses .
Examples of this type of response include smiling, crying, sweating for no apparent reason, or an increase in heart rate due to the excitement of a long-await. purchase, among others.
Below we explain the behavioral variables that are integrat. into behavioral market segmentation:
This variable divides customers bas. on
Their behavior on the occasions when they have the idea of buying or actually make it. The occasion can be recurrent, exceptional or fortuitous.
By using occasion targeting, your brand can encourage the use of a product or service. You can measure how a customer behaves when fac. with a Mother’s whatsapp number database Day offer or an offer limit. to a random period.
It is one of the behavioral variables in which personal data is collect. in surveys, forms and lead magnets. With it you can contribute to building a positive brand image .
2. Usage-orient. behavioral segmentation
In this case, buyers are classifi. according to the frequency with which they make certain purchases. Under this criterion, customers are classifi. as occasional, m.ium or intensive.
Although users who make higher purchases – known as intensive or intense – represent a lower percentage, their quantitative impact on sales is greater.
In sales and marketing, one of the customers’ specific problems while also responding to their manifestations of Pareto’s Law is that 80% of sales come from 20% of customers. This rule is also fulfill. with behavioral segmentation bas. on usage.
By applying this behavioral cmo email list variable, you can define which customers contribute the most and the least to your organization, and consequently, design a personaliz. strategy .
3. Benefit-orient. behavioral segmentation
This type of segmentation classifies customers bas. on their expectations regarding the benefits they receive from acquiring a product or service.