HubSpot can synchronize data from different systems and bring it together centrally. This provides a holistic overview of the information you have collect and makes it easier to analyze and manage your data in marketing. A sales and customer service. Co Data synchronization But does this also apply to existing data? And what if you only want to synchronize part of the data? Read here what the difference is between a conventional integration and data synchronization and why we are fans of HubSpot data synchronization.
How does data exchange between departments work in your company?
Often. A data in companies is isolat and stor separately email data in different departments. A which leads to inefficient cross-departmental processes.
Data inconsistencies. A time-consuming manual processes and a lack of transparency within the company not only lead to inefficiencies. A but also to misunderstandings and wrong decisions.
With HubSpot and its Operations Hub . A you have building strong relationships the opportunity to break through these data silos and synchronize your data centrally. In other words. A not just integrate. A but synchronize:
What distinguishes data synchronization from traditional integrations?
Data synchronization enables a controllable. A continuous. A regularly checking the validity of your bimi records retroactive data exchange. These points differ from conventional integration:
1. Data synchronization transfers both future and historical data between systems. Traditional integrations do not work retroactively. Co Data synchronization While you can transfer data between two systems. A this only applies to data that was add or updat after the integration was configur.
2. Data synchronization can transfer information to and from two systems. A so bidirectional data exchange is possible. Traditional integrations synchronize twd directory data one-way. For example. A contacts can often be synchroniz between a CRM system and an email platform. A but not in both directions.
3. Data synchronization can ensure continuous. A real-time synchronization between two databases. Traditional integrations are bas on triggers. When an event occurs in one application. A for example. A when a property in a contact’s record is updat. A the information is pass on to the other application.
4. Data synchronizations are flexible and customizable . Co Data synchronization You can specify which information should be transferr between applications and update your selection at any time. Traditional integrations are static and not customizable.
By connecting HubSpot to your existing systems
A you can ensure that all relevant information is synchroniz phone number de and you get a holistic view of your data. This not only increases efficiency across departments. A but also improves collaboration between marketing. A sales. A and customer service.