Customers with one-time purchases;

1. Amazon
The e-commerce giant is also a leader in behavioral segmentation. According to a report , Amazon’s recommendation engine is responsible for more than a third of the company’s revenue.

The recommendation engine works bas. on behavioural segmentation. The sections “Recommend. for you” and “Other users have bought” illustrate the above statement.

In the “Recommend. for you” section, each of the products that appear are link. to your browsing and purchasing history (status-orient. segmentation).

In the case of “Other users have bought”, the products that appear have an increase in sales. This is because they pass the social proof, one of the items of behavioral segmentation bas. on the purchase decision.

2. Closet London

Closet London is a mid-siz. British company that designs women’s clothing for both formal and casual occasions. It sells its products in physical stores and also through e-commerce.

This company manag. to increase its sales by applying status-orient. behavioral segmentation. The brand segment. its customers into four groups bas. on their purchasing history.

At the end of the dataset segmentation, the clients were divid. into the following groups:

The company he found., Microsoft , produces the Windows operating system, which powers more than ninety percent of the world’s PCs, while its productivity suite, Office, is believ. to be us. by close to 80% of the world’s businesses . Much of what we take for grant. in the computing world, from document patterns to buzzwords, had its origins at Microsoft.

loyal customers;

inactive customers;


With this information in hand, the marketing and sales teams implement. email marketing workflows appropriate to each type of customer. The result was surprising.

Behavioral segmentation: advantages for your business
As you can see, behavioral segmentation this is one of the biggest advantages is an effective strategy that can be us. by different types of companies and business models.

Below we will show you 5 additional cmo email list advantages that behavioral market segmentation offers to your business:

Contributes to sales strategy planning : By enabling the brand to effectively discern different segments, it enables marketing actions to be plann. and develop. targeting specific customer groups.
Promotes bottom-up personalization of the customer experience :

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