Fac with these manipulation techniques, there are of course possible technical developments. This is why the Observatory has focus on strengthening its cooperation with the telecoms sector, by welcoming their representatives and working with them to support the implementation of solutions to protect the communication identifiers of professionals on their networks. Some have already been deploy or will be soon: this is the these developments case for the protection of SMS sender identifiers or the implementation, from next October, of the Number Authentication Mechanism (MAN), which should prevent a fraudster from usurping a bank’s landline number to deceive his victim.
But these technical measures can only be fully effective if users adopt the right reflexes. User vigilance remains a necessity, and this is why awareness-raising actions are also a priority for the Observatory. After an initial campaign last June, recalling a simple principle ( “Codes, passwords and bank identifiers: never give out this data” ), a second wave of communication will be launch in October 2024 on the mia and social networks, in association with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the French Banking Feration (FBF).
What will be the Observatory’s work priorities in 2025?
A lot of work has been undertaken on all means of payment, and in particular the most vulnerable. A first priority is to ensure the proper implementation of the Observatory’s recommendations over time. This is the case, for example, of the recommendations issu in 2023 on the reimbursement of victims of fraud, and in particular fraud by manipulation, which specifi the conditions for applying the regulations in force in France. Investigations iraq email list are currently being conduct by the Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR) and the Observatory will be particularly attentive to these results; we will report on them by early 2025 at the latest. The proper application of reimbursement rules is a condition of user confidence in their means of payment and of the proper functioning of payments in our economy.
As part of its technological monitoring mission
the Observatory must also strive to anticipate new threats. In its 2023 report, the Observatory publish a unique study on the risks that quantum computing could pose to the security of card payments. This study aims to contribute to the necessary awareness, because resistance to quantum must be prepar and plann in practice today.
In the coming months, our effectively driving the desired action monitoring work will focus on scoring methods and the use of artificial intelligence. These techniques are essential in a world where instantaneous payments are gradually becoming the norm and where upstream checks be numbers on transactions must be increasingly efficient and responsive. This work will be present in 2025 in our next annual report, at the same time as the new European regulation on instant transfers comes into force, which should strongly support the growth of real-time payments.