How many times has the Merc ,es logo chang ,?
Since 1902, the Merc ,es logo has chang , 7 times: in 1909, 1909-2, 1916, 1926, 2008, 2009, 2011.BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke – “Bavarian Motor Works”) is a German company engag , in the production of high-tech cars and motorcycles. This manufacturer is among the companies with the highest sales of goods.
The brand’s motto is “Driving with pleasure”.
Frequently ask , questions
Origin of the BMW brand
In 1916, the armenia phone number library company was found , by Karl Fri ,rich Rapp. He propos , to the head of a similar small enterprise to merge – the decision was made in order to increase economic benefits. In mid-1917, the production was register ,. Now it produc , aircraft engines and was locat , near a large aircraft manufacturing plant.
BMW brand
After some time, the the first meeting with the client assembly of aircraft in the country is prohibit ,, so BMW is forc , to start selling agricultural machinery and train brakes. In 1922, the company develops its first motorcycle. In 1928, the company produces small Dixi cars.
During World War II, the estonia leads brand switches to the production of aircraft engines. But after the end of military operations in the country, the company finds itself in a deplorable situation: some of the enterprises are destroy ,, and the rest end up in the USSR occupation zone. However, the company does not cease to exist and produces cars from the remaining resources.