How to choose the best domain name: 12 helpful tips

Choosing a domain name is a crucial step in building your online presence and developing your brand . It’s more than just an address. A domain name reflects your identity.

There are many things to consider when choosing a domain name . How does the name sound? What emotions does it evoke? Should it contain SEO keywords or exactly match your brand name?

To help you find a relevant, affordable domain name, here are 12 tips to help you launch an online store or personal website.

How to choose the best domain name in 12 steps

  1. Keep your domain name short, brand-specific and memorable
  2. Avoid hyphens and numbers
  3. Choose a .com domain
  4. Check relevant top-level domains
  5. Include SEO keywords in your domain name
  6. Use a domain name generator for inspiration
  7. Research your desired domain name
  8. Choose a domain name that is scalable
  9. Think about privacy and security features for domains
  10. Check domain renewal options
  11. Search for used domains on marketplaces
  12. Buy multiple domain names

1. Keep your domain name short, brand-specific and memorable

If you have a brand name, mexico email list the first step is to register the name as your domain . A branded domain name makes it easier for people to find you online and associate your business with your website.

Depending on the length and characters of your brand name, you can make changes when using it as a web address. The goal is:

  • Keep your domain name under 15 characters
  • Avoid words with complex spelling
  • Avoid unconventional spellings (e.g. “U” instead of “you”)
  • To avoid unintentional contraction of words

One example is the online store of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, which uses the domain .

This name is consistent with the museum’s brand while being short and memorable. It also avoids the unfortunate combination of letters that would be written by writing the shop’s full name without spaces:

Some brands, like Biko , are also creative with their domain name by adding a contextual or qualifying phrase. The domain name puts shoppers in the right frame of mind as soon as they land on the page and is a from campus to career: how universities can support alumni in lifelong learning clever way to include the brand in the domain name when it’s not available on its own.

Most importantly, keep your domain name simple and brand-specific so people can find you online.

2. Avoid hyphens and numbers

People often make typos. Reduce the chance that visitors will misspell your domain name by leaving out hyphens and numbers.

Avoiding numbers and hyphens also makes your domain name mobile-friendly. When you type a URL on a phone, you have to switch between letter and number keyboards, leaving more room for typos, misspellings, ch leads and frustration.

In your domain name, you should try to avoid:

  • combination of numbers and words:
  • hyphens:
  • Abbreviations:
  • Double letters:

An exception to these guidelines is if your brand name contains a number. For example, fashion brand 3sixteen uses the domain It is consistent in its branding, social media handles, and merchandise. In this case, the domain name is identifiable and brand-specific, reducing shopper confusion about the number.

3. Choose a .com domain

When choosing your domain extension, there is debate about which one will generate more traffic. The .com extension is the most common and credible, with about 70% of websites using it. Many smartphones also have a “.com” key, making it easier for visitors to type in your domain.

However, there are reasons to choose a different extension. For example, if you can purchase a .net extension for less than €100 while the .com version sells for €1000, it may make sense to choose the former.

4. Check relevant top-level domains

After searching the most popular domain registrars , you may find that your desired name is not available with the .com extension. In this case, you don’t have to worry. There are many other extensions or top-level domains that can provide helpful clues about the content of your website:

  • .city : A good option for brick-and-mortar stores in a specific city, such as .berlin or .boston .
  • .co : A global alternative to .com for all languages ​​and cultures.
  • .org : If you have a nonprofit, .org helps you stand out.
  • . shop : This is a clear and concise top-level domain for e-commerce websites.
  • .store : A good option for small businesses and online retailers.
  • .trade : A good choice for wholesalers or B2B e-commerce stores.

If you sell in countries outside Germany, try to find available country-specific top-level domains (TLDs). One example is Indian clothing retailer Suta , which uses the .in extension instead of .com. The domain name remains clean and memorable and is easy to find.

5. Include SEO keywords in your domain name

Try to include in your domain name the main keyword that visitors type into search engines to find your website. A keyword in your domain signals to search engines what your website is about.

Including a keyword doesn’t always make sense; you may need to get creative with your domain name to make it fit. Start with a few general keywords that represent your products, then add your company name.

For example, if you sell clothing, the term “clothing” in your domain name might work. Try the formula [brand name] + [generic keyword] = [domain name]:

  • Sunday + clothing =
  • Dianes + candles = or
  • Cosmik + masks =

Stick to one or two keywords. More can seem spammy and lead to fewer visitors.

A great example of this is Verve Coffee Roasters , a coffee brand based in Santa Cruz, California. They chose the domain name, which covers both the brand and the general keyword. It’s also easy for visitors to remember.

6. Use a domain name generator for inspiration

Feeling stuck when it comes to choosing a domain name? Get inspiration from Shopify’s free domain name generator . Enter a keyword and the tool will give you dozens of options for related, popular domain names you can use for your business.

7. Research your desired domain name

Once you’ve chosen a domain name, you should check to see if the domain is already registered. You can use Shopify’s domain search tool to check the domain’s availability. Another common method for researching domains is a WHOIS lookup .

Before you choose a domain name, you should make sure that no other company is using a similar name. There are three ways to check this:

  • Conduct a trademark search. Go to and search the trademark database to see if anyone has registered a similar name.
  • Check social media. Check Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and other relevant social media for the availability of your name. This will also be helpful when it’s time to start social media marketing .
  • Do a Google search. Finally, type your desired name into Google to see if another domain is closely related to your brand.

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