If your website doesn’t “run” on mobile devices or Improve the doesn’t display properly, then you are definitely losing a huge number of visitors, while it is almost certain that search engines will not have the best “impression” of your website.
Improving the way your website appears on mobile devices and creating the most mobile-friendly interface possible should undoubtedly Improve the be high on your list of SEO priorities for 2022.
The easier and faster a website loads when we phone number list browse it on our mobile, the greater the organic traffic it will have. Just consider that the vast majority of online users visit the internet using mobile devices.
Online commerce, for example, is growing rapidly, and a large percentage of online purchases are made exclusively using a smartphone. The same is true for searches, with users increasingly using their mobile phones to access search engines like Google and search for information that interests them.
See also: Mobile friendly website the complete guide to building websites
So what is needed to improve how mobile-friendly our website is?
– Better loading speed: the faster a website expert for crm data synchronization loads on mobile, the better the SEO score our website will achieve in search engines.
-Easy navigation: the correct organization of the information included in our website is crucial. Users must be able to navigate our website easily and not abandon it because they could not find what they were looking for quickly.
-Smaller size: our website must remain small in size, so that it loads quickly but does not require the consumption of many mb by the users who visit it.
-Easy reading: the texts of our website, photos and videos must automatically adapt to the size of each mobile phone, so that they remain within the limits of the screen and reading becomes an easy process for users.
2. Enrich the content
In SEO, content counts . The more original and high-quality the content of a website, the better the SEO score it receives from search engines and the higher it appears in the results list .
On the contrary, if we mainly place content on our website that we have “borrowed” or “taken” from other websites, the lower we will be ranked by search engines like Google.
A particularly effective SEO practice that will help you promote your website and achieve a better online presence in 2022 is definitely enriching your content.
Focus on creating content, such as articles, photos, and videos, that are relevant to your website, unique, and created with your own resources.
It is certainly easy to use, for example, an interesting cyb directory article you read somewhere and host it with a reference to the source on your own website, but if you choose to create a new article from scratch, with quality content that will be interesting, then search engines will also improve their “image” for your website.
You can also add multimedia without “overloading” your website or making it slow down, such as interactive maps, Virtual Reality tools, AI tools, videos, and photo galleries.