IS BUYING FOLLOWERS We already answered right away, NO!

Buying followers will damage your reputation and is frowned upon by your customers! Plus, you’ll run the risk of having your account suspended or deleted, and you’ll end up disrupting your social media marketing efforts!

You will have ROBOT followers!

You may not think this is a problem, but it is. These fake accounts will create a huge difference between the number of followers qatar whatsapp number data  the engagement you receive. Example: 10k followers and only 200 likes on a post.

You will talk to the walls!

You will probably feel like you are digital marketing trends 2025 to a lot of people, but you are wrong. Your message/product/service will be impacting a very small number of your followers who are real people!

You will be frowned upon by the public!

The problem is not just the numbers, but the impact that your image will have on the public. This visit from a real person to an account with many followers but little engagement creates a bad impression, which can be attributed to a bad and misleading service/product, and therefore your brand will lose credibility!

Devaluation of your content by the Instagram algorithm

Instagram’s algorithm is updated frequently based on user experience.
In short, the platform collects data contact lists on our interactions, followers, likes, and comments. This creates feeds and tabs that are more relevant to us.
If your profile has a large number of bot (fake) followers who obviously don’t interact with your content, Instagram will understand that your account doesn’t create relevant content, not even for real followers!


Real followers are the ones you should be concerned about, as they are the ones who will generate engagement and tend to be your real buyers/consumers. Instead of investing in robot followers, invest more in content and digital marketing!

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