Key Contextual Advertising Mistakes of Beginner PPC Specialists

You have a strategy for developing an advertising campaign. Allocating significant amounts of money to promote products saudi arabia phone number library on the Internet. You see how your money for these services is written off from the account and in return you receive. The Advertising Mistakes desired traffic. But there are still no deals, sales and applications or their number does not correspond to the allocated advertising budget? AdButton has figured out the key mistakes that users make when debugging contextual advertising.

Top Five: Wrong Keyword Choices

Poorly designed keys

Let’s imagine that your company is engaged in the installation of alarms and video surveillance. You have defined the phrase “installation building an email list: how to get of Advertising Mistakes alarms and cameras” as the key. But there are many other semantic directions: installation of video surveillance, installation of security systems for houses, installation of alarms and others.

It is necessary to work out all possible forms of the request taking into account synonyms, abbreviations, word forms. Analyze the key phrases of Yandex Direct competitors and, based on this data, work out your semantic core .

Low quality minus words

Let’s say you sell furniture. The phone list keyword in this topic will look like this: “buy furniture cheap”. “Buy” and “cheap” are your minus words. Your Advertising Mistakes company does not need to be shown for these queries, since your potential customers or target audience will not be there. These are template phrases that are present in most ads.

In order to determine your negative words , you need to analyze the previously collected semantic core and exclude from it key phrases that are not suitable for you.


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