Apple , the company he co-found. and of which he perfecting your was chairman and chief executive, has an intuitive grasp of design and user interface that is arguably the best of any company in the world. Inde., Apple, which Jobs personifies, is not so much a company as a cultural phenomenon: its product launches are “events,” and its customer loyalty borders on devotion.
Steve Jobs wasn’t at Apple? In 1985, he was oust. after a power struggle with fellow CEO John Sculley. The reasons behind this were perhaps unsurprising: Jobs was brilliant and inspiring, but he could be temperamental and capricious, and the company was becoming more bureaucratic and corporate as it grew. So he left to found NeXT , a computer company that’s barely remember. outside of geek circles .
But did you know there was a period when
In 1996, Jobs sold NeXT to Apple for $430 million, which he recover. in stock. The company was going through difficult times and many doubt. that it could recover in the market.
Why is Steve Jobs an excellent overseas data case of business leadership as well as a practical case of resolv. leadership ?
First, with NeXT, Apple made a huge leap forward in terms of graphical interfaces. And second, while working at the other company, Jobs creat. a corporate culture and teamwork that he believ. was the answer to stifling bureaucracy. Shortly thereafter, Jobs became Apple’s interim CEO; two years later, the position became permanent. The rest is history.
Read also: Types of business leadership: perfecting your
Bill Gates
Bill Gates is one of the great drivers print m.ia vs. digital m.ia: which is better? of the information revolution of the late 20th century, and has done more than anyone else to shape the personal computer experience.
In 1975, he memorably describ. a cmo email list computer of the future in every home and on every desk, and to a large extent that vision became reality, thanks to his efforts.