Provide your audience with useful content

Choose the most suitable combination of programs, campaigns and channels for your case by evaluating the following characteristics:

  • customer acquisition cost or CAC, which requires an audit of all paid and free channels through which customers come to the company;
  • average customer lifetime value or LTV – this takes into account the revenue from one consumer over a certain period of time;
  • digital marketing budget shop for each channel us , – allows you to compare conversion and costs across all channels;
  • average check – to analyze consumer actions, you ne , to understand how much you invest in each marketing channel and how your actions affect sales.

Ignoring changes in the lives of the target audience

The crisis has affect , people’s lifestyles, which means that previously relevant measures may be useless today.

The following questions will help you revise the portrait of your ideal client:

  • How does a person create a website in canva – complete guide and tips experience events, be it a lockdown, quarantine, etc.?
  • What fears, pains, ne ,s, behavior patterns, habits has he acquir ,?
  • What problems can you relieve him of today?
  • What happen , to his purchasing power?

R ,uce, adjust, or even eliminate activities that do not add value to the consumer.

The same rule applies to content produc , by a business: it should be target , to your audience and provide value to them. For example, it could  ,ucate, engage, solve problems, or do other things.

Avoiding online activity

Previously, some companies uae phone number could not use digital, but since the lockdown, enterprises have been forc , to transfer their activities online. The absence of a company and its products on the Internet negatively affects the reputation and recognition.

Work on your digital presence. Start with your website, its usability, SEO, creating a mobile version. Include contextual advertising costs in your marketing budget – this will increase your visibility in search queries. Decide whether you will engage in promotion in social networks, which ones to choose.

Some companies do not sell directly through their website, but the portal is a way of online communication with the audience. It allows people to learn about the brand, get to know its values, start trusting, and this is always important in times of crisis.

If your business has limit , online capabilities, be sure to contact a digital agency to assess the prospects for developing your online market. Then prepare an effective digital strategy.


Download a useful document on the topic:

Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients

No-Budget Marketing Tools

The job of marketing specialists is becoming more difficult in the context of layoffs and severe budget cuts, but even marketing without a budget allows for a lot of activities to be carri , out.

Here are some key tactics that can help you build your brand’s authority, brand recognition, and website traffic. To use most of them, you just ne , to have a team to create high-quality content.

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