Once you have an integration for loyalty product reviews and buy phone number list reviews available, your next step is to set up reviews as a way to earn points. Keep in mind that loyalty is not a one-size-fits-all tool, but you can configure the way customers earn points for reviews to match the rest of your current loyalty configuration. Take Shine On’s rewards launcher, for example, where they showcase to loyalty members right away how they can earn 100 points for writing a review.
An important thing to consider is product reviews that it takes more work for a customer
to write a review than to like your brand on Facebook or Instagram, so make sure you’re rewarding customers accordingly. In order to write a review, they would have had to have already made a purchase—that in itself is more deserving of loyalty points than other actions that take less work and effort on the customer’s end. By incentivizing fairly for the customer’s effort, they’ll be more likely to remain loyal to your brand, come back for a repeat purchase, and maybe even leave another review effectively driving the desired action for more points. It’s a perfect retention-cycle strategy.
Keep in mind that 86% of consumers would consider writing a review for a business. With a rate that high, imagine how much more likely customers would be willing to leave a review if they are incentivized to do so. This is the power loyalty programs can have on customer actions.
Follow up with recent purchases and ask for a review
When someone makes a purchase at your store, it’s always betting email list good practice to follow up and thank them for their purchase. You appreciate personalized communication like this from brands you purchase from, and your customers are no different. It helps build that loyal customer relationship between them and your brand.