Shopping experience: what is and 8 tactics to delight your customers

The shopping experience is the complete set of perceptions that customers receive while purchasing a product or service, and even what they feel after the deal is closed.

The shopping experience is about feelings, emotions, and sensations. Taking care of this strategy can help change your approach from “I want you to buy from me” to “I want to understand you to advise you.”

By creating a memorable shopping egypt phone number data experience for your customers, you are considerably nearer to closing your next sale.

The question is: how does one design an unforgettable, authentic, and successful shopping experience to win over their customers?

Here you’ll see:

  • Why is shopping experience crucial for businesses?
  • What are the elements of the shopping experience?
  • What are the 8 best resources to create a memorable Internet shopping experience?
  • And what are the best metrics to assess manage email campaigns for subscription-based services your customers’ shopping experience?

Keep reading to find out!

Why is shopping experience crucial for businesses?

Before I start, I want to take a moment to clarify why the shopping experience is crucial for businesses (and why it should be for you, too).

Considering that the concept is not new and sms to data is not limited to the digital environment, the shopping experience triggers current and potential customers’ consumption decisions.

86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a great shopping experience. It sounds great, right?

Consequently, the change in consumers’ behavior indicates they no longer base their loyalty on price or product but on their experience, which is the main differential of a brand.

Thus, the shopping experience is essential to create loyalty to your company, generate brand awareness, and win over your customers and their recommendations.

What are the elements of the shopping experience?

What should you consider when designing a shopping experience? In both offline and online channels, we suggest 5 pillars to guide your strategic actions.

We will detail each one of them.


The first element of the shopping experience is the environment. It refers to all the decorative and visual aspects present in your physical location or e-commerce.

It varies from the color of the walls, the lighting, the posters, and the music in physical stores.

In online stores, you can see the variation of the pages’ colors, design, and size of the catalog images or the buy buttons’ locations.


The second element is the service.

It’s about generating a trusting relationship between you (the seller) and the customer. Not to focus on a single purchase, but rather on building a long-term relationship.

Obviously, in the physical store, you must consider how your salespeople express themselves and whether they are advising their customers correctly.

In the digital world, you should look at variables related to user experience (UX), such as:

  • mobile experience;
  • the functioning of payment mechanisms;
  • provision of a virtual consultant;
  • page loading speed;
  • ease of finding products;
  • content of the description of each offer.


Contemporary shoppers are increasingly aware of purchasing decisions and use the Internet to access information about the company or product before purchasing.

In this sense, reviews made by experts on YouTube, website comments, or posts by users on social networks are some of their sources of information.

Therefore, it’s crucial to be honest with customers’ expectations about your product and, once sold, comply with your value proposition.

Flexibility of options

Maintaining a wide and varied catalog of products and services goes hand in hand with personalization psychology. This is crucial to providing a satisfying shopping experience.

When you enter a clothing store, you want to see different fabrics, cuts, colors, and sizes. We want to feel different! The same is true in any business.

Customizing your proposal empowers your customers, making them feel that you are addressing them directly. That the product was tailor-made and that they are the ones who have the final decision in their hands.

Websites should use AI learn to recommend products that really interest the user. This way, the customer does not have to spend a lot of time searching for the product, and he feels as if companies are reading their minds.

Something that can work very well in this context is to use recommendation tools so that customers feel that you know how to identify their preferences. One store that does this very well is Yala, focused on women’s fashion.

Close communication

Engaging in communication with your customers and getting them to remain close to all your channels (offline, social networks, website, email) is one of the most relevant challenges and actions concerning the shopping experience.

In this sense, interactivity assumes incredible relevance, especially for electronic commerce.

When shopping online, the consumer cannot touch or feel the product. Therefore, you must make the user feel the product and realize that people are working to meet their needs.

This is the case with this online store, which offers a virtual visualization tool so that users can simulate how they would look when wearing the clothes they want to buy.

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