Once they have understood the importance of alignment between the marketing department and the sales sector, most companies face a challenge: building a solid SMarketing team that helps achieve business objectives.
To achieve true integration between both areas, it is essential that organizations carry out a strategy that encourages connection and joint work. Only in this way will they be able to optimize their resources and increase their profitability. Below, we tell you how to do it.
Why align sales with marketing
Historically, sales and marketing teams have worked separately . In fact, a Harvard Business Review report shows that the disconnect goes beyond just a work-related issue. According to the survey, more than 85% of the terms that members of these departments country email list use to describe each other are negative .
Regardless of the results of the research, the truth is that the sales department should not sit back and wait for ready-to-convert leads to flood in .
Nor should the marketing department go out indiscriminately usually the goals are quite simple hunting for prospects , without carrying out a prior analysis of their qualification.
SMarketing is nothing more —and nothing less— than the answer to this problem . It is an approach that seeks to effectively align both departments to enhance their operation and, in this way, positively impact the business .
When sales and marketing departments are aligned, organizations gain numerous benefits:
- Increase in the number of leads and sales
- Optimizing the customer experience
- Increase in productivity of both teams
- Cost reduction
- Deeper understanding of customer characteristics and expectations
- Increased customer retention
- More effective communication
As you can see, integrating sales with marketing is b2c fax key to improving organizational processes, enhancing the customer and employee experience, and boosting business profitability.
Strategies for building an efficient SMarketing team
Now, once they have understood the benefits of applying this approach, it is common for companies to wonder how to build an SMarketing team.
Determine who the target audience is
First of all, it is essential that both departments agree on who the target audience is, what their needs and pain points are , and what advantages the service or product offers to solve these problems .
This step is key to carrying out marketing activities that reach the right people and sales actions that achieve conversion.
Sharing data and information
The exchange of relevant data between both departments is another fundamental point to form a truly effective SMarketing team .
For example, marketing can provide information on which content is most interesting to the target audience and generates the most engagement, while sales can provide information on the most common concerns or objections that leads have when closing a contract.