Promoting a website in search engines Technical aspects is a task that many owners of Internet resources face. Do you want to attract the target Technical aspects audience to your website and increase sales? Then internal optimization is your reliable assistant in this matter. Let’s figure out what technical aspects are important to consider in order to improve the site’s position in search results.
1. Working with HTML code of pages
Optimizing Meta Tags
The title and description meta tags are a kind of “business cards” of the site pages in search results. They should be unique, capacious and attractive to users. Here are some tips for their optimization:
- Write in the title the key phrases by which you want to promote the page
- Limit the length of the title to 60-70 turkey email list characters, description – 150-160 characters
- Use a call to action in the description, for example: “Find out more”, “Order a service with a discount”
Optimized meta tags increase the clickability of snippets in search results and help promote a website for the necessary queries https://pro-dvizhenie.rf/articles-/how-to-quickly-promote-a-website-in-yandex-or-google . For example, our client, a fitness club from St. Petersburg, saw their CTR increase by 30% after refining the meta tags on all pages.
Creating a clear heading structure
Headings h1-h6 help search robots understand the betting email list structure and subject of the page. To promote the site, optimize the headings according to the following rules:
- Use only one h1 heading per page
- Include keywords in your titles, but don’t overspam them.
- Maintain hierarchy: h1 > h2 > h3 etc.
- Write informative titles that reveal the essence of the content
Headlines also influence behavioral factors. The user should immediately understand what the page is about and what he will get if he goes to it. So do not spare time for working on the headlines – this is an important element of internal optimization.
2. Working with content
Compilation of a semantic core
The first step in working on content for website promotion is collecting the semantic core. This is a list of key queries that accurately characterize digital marketing trends 2025 the subject matter and services of your business. You can collect semantics using Yandex Wordstat, Key Collector, etc.
Focus not only on the frequency, but also on the competitiveness of queries. It is not always worth chasing high-frequency queries – sometimes it is better to take less popular, but targeted keys. Thus, for our client – a store of warm floors – we refused to promote the query “warm floor” due to high competition and focused on more specific keys like “heating cable for warm floors”.
Creation and optimization of texts
Once the core is assembled, it’s time to start writing and optimizing texts. How to create content that will appeal to both visitors and search engines? Here’s a checklist:
- Write unique and useful texts that reveal the essence of the topic
- Optimize texts for key queries, but do not overspam (1-3 occurrences of the key per 1000 characters is enough)
- Format text by breaking it into paragraphs, lists, tables
- Make your content visually appealing with illustrations, infographics, videos
- Update texts and supplement them with relevant information
We have seen for ourselves that great content works wonders. After publishing a series of expert articles on printer repair, traffic to our client’s website from Voronezh tripled. So don’t skimp on texts if you want to promote your website.