Of reasonable size and in contrast to the image itself. In certain circumstances, it is necessary to indicate the legal details of the company vietnam phone number library and the age limit on the image. It is sent to Text information moderation. Where it is checked for compliance with all requirements. This process takes several hours on average, but sometimes several days.
If the moderators refuse
You are sure that everything is OK, you can challenges and limitations of ai in marketing safely write to technical support. If everything is OK, the application will be approved. If there are violations, they will tell you what, how and where to fix or what data to provide. Three Common Mistakes When Creating an Ad Image of low quality or Text information relevance. The picture for the ad should not only attract attention, but also match the product. There are cases when fragments of clickbait are placed in the banner on the site, promising more than they can actually give.
In such cases
The interested user clicks, gets to the phone list resource, gets disappointed and leaves the site. And the payment for the click has already passed. Minimal use of text Graphic data is beautiful and good. But the presence of text will make the text and graphic ad in YAN more informative. Here you can place the advantages of this brand. Text information product features, and data on promotions, as well as any information that, in your opinion, should be conveyed to a potential client. Using the same image over a long period of time Regardless of attractiveness, creativity and efficiency, sooner or later Yandex ads will stop giving positive results.