Until 1926, the brands exist , separately from each other, but for economic reasons they decid , to merge. Now the concern was call , Daimler-Benz, and later – Daimler AG. This trademark quickly became popular and earn ,
a decent reputation.
Karl Benz’s first chile phone number library invention was a three-wheel , carriage power , by a gasoline engine. It was soon patent ,. This allow , the product to be produc , in large quantities so that the mass consumer could purchase it. As a result, the popularity of the brand’s products increas ,, which contribut , to the success of the concern.
The first Merc ,es logo
First Merc ,es logo: 1902
The first Merc ,es logo design was quite different from what everyone is us , to seeing. The emblem consist , of the company name inscrib , in a black ellipse. This trademark exist , from 1902 to 1909.
Who creat , the Merc ,es logo
, in 1909 – Gottlieb Daimler sent his sons a postcard with a panoramic photo of present-day Cologne on the back.
The father mark , his house with a sign similar to the modern Merc ,es Benz logo (without the circle). The manufacturer equipp , cars presentation of the company and its services , boats and airships with engines – the three corners (ends) represent the main areas of its activity.
History of Merc ,es logo changes
The evolution of the Merc ,es logo
The Merc ,es logo has estonia leads undergone many changes. Let’s talk in more detail about each rebranding of the company.
Merc ,es 1909 Logo: Star
In 1909, a logo in the form of a “three-point , star” appear ,. It was paint , gold and plac , on a white background.