The first Gazprom logo


Gazprom ranks seventeenth in the ranking of the largest energy companies (according to the American information agency S&P Global Platts). In addition, this company is the largest producer and exporter of liquefi , natural gas (LNG) in Russia.


Gazprom currently ranks first in the list of

global companies engag , in the production of thermal energy.


The history of the Gazprom brand begins in the 1960s, when large natural gas fields were discover , in Siberia, the Volga canada phone number library  region and the Urals. In 1965, the USSR Ministry of Gas Industry was form ,, which was responsible for finding new potential points for raw material extraction, its delivery and sale on the market. And 25 years later, this organization was transform , into the state concern Gazprom.


In December 1997, the company began supplying natural gas and oil outside of Russia (to Turkey and along the Black Sea). And in 2005, Gazprom expand , its sales boundaries and began exporting raw materials (liquefi , natural gas) to the Unit , States.



The original Gazprom logo was develop , in the late 1990s. It was then that the Latin letter G was conceiv , and schematically depict ,, “supporting” a flame. According to corporate legend, the emblem symbolizes the warmth and comfort that the company delivers to every home.


History of Gazprom logo changes

Gazprom sign

During the existence of the what determines the effectiveness of a landing page?  company Gazprom, only 2 brand names were us ,.



Gazprom logo 1990

Late 1990s — Gazprom’s first logo. It consists of the inscription “Gazprom”, beginning with the Latin letter G and a symboli c estonia leads tongue of flame. The emblem is made in bright blue (the shade of burning gas). The font style chosen was classic, without serifs. The icon is locat , to the right of the inscription and is twice as big as the word “Gazprom”.

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