The problem is that this is one of the hardest skills

In fact, this is one of the main reasons why journalists tend to make great content writers. And it’s a point that can make up for a lack of experience in your sector: if the writer has good research skills and your industry isn’t too complex, consider giving them a chance.

He is a good interviewer

Some writers may have experience in your industry, but that doesn’t make them true experts.

And that’s where so-called Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) come in : subject matter experts who know every nook and cranny of a topic and can help a writer accurate mobile phone number list create a memorable piece of content.

This point is closely related to the previous one, because interviewing someone may seem simple. But to get good answers, you have to ask good questions. And that is an art.

Pro tip: If you’re a B2B business or in a highly specialized industry, chances are your content writer will be constantly talking to  SMEs. Make sure they have experience interviewing experts, whether they’re a freelance, agency, or in-house writer.

Has an eye for detail

More than just an eye, a good content writer has X-rays.

This ability to observe microscopically  helps them to be meticulous in their work. And it allows them, among other things:

  • Avoid typos and spelling mistakes
  • Emphasize text with bold and italics at the right times
  • Identify duplicate words or spaces
  • Be consistent in the use of fonts and text sizes
  • Have a consistent writing style
  • Detect abrupt jumps in the passage from one idea to another

We can all make mistakes, and that’s what editors are there for, too. But if advantages of using printed you find mistakes, typos, or formatting errors constantly in their work, that’s a very bad sign.

Has a sense of humor

Humor is underrated in content writing.

And that’s a shame, because a good dose of fun creates the problem buy lead closeness and facilitates learning and retention.

t is not something that everyone has naturally or that can be forced.

So the advice here is this: if you find a good content writer who also has a sense of humor, don’t let them get away. Get that contract now.

Understand human psychology

A good writer, like a good salesperson, needs to connect with the people he speaks to. Or in this case, the people he writes for.

And to do that, you need to know what motivates them, what holds them back, and understand how they make decisions.

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