The world’s most used social platforms

We Are Social YouTube is the main social media for video in the world. And you know that Video Marketing is stronger each year, right? Multimedia content shows high potential for engagement. That is why YouTube should be. The world’s most part of your marketing plan with a solid strategy to present video content. You can use it to share institutional videos, interviews, tutorials, and testimonials, do live webinars, or create a series of branded content.

Red Bull is a great example

YouTubers in your niche or creating video pieces for Google Ads. of a business that does it right. The C Level Contact List company invests in creating awesome video content while highlighting marketing pieces with branded content related to extreme sports, racing, and e-sports. Twitter Twitter is not among the most used social networks in raw numbers but has an active and loyal user base. Recently, the platform reached 350 million users worldwide. A curious point is that the majority of Twitter’s audience is male: 68% in 2021. Twitter audience overview Source: We Are Social Twitter became popular as the 140-character social media.

Companies that want to use marketing

C Level Contact List

Nowadays, the limitation is at 280 and posts allow. The world’s most other types of media such as photos, videos, and polls. The BFB Directory people on Twitter like to be informed of the last news, give opinions on the day’s buzz, and participate in what is happening in real-time — the trending topics.

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