Acquaintance with new types of products; posting special offers (promotions, additional goods, gifts, etc.); display venezuela phone number library of products in more detail; increasing brand awareness. Pros and advertising format cons Advantages of advertising banners. It is possible to use contact information and the company logo (brand). Large size = more attention-grabbing. A picture a priori attracts the user’s attention better than text messages. When going to the search page. The banner is the first thing a person sees.
Payment is made for clicks
But, in addition to the advantages, this digital marketing trends 2025 type of promotion also has several significant disadvantages. The broadcast is carried out only on personal computers, which significantly limits the advertising format audience reach. The cost per click is quite high. Necessary requirements First of all, these are technical issues. The image size for YAN is 240×400 pixels. Available formats are JPG, PNG, GIF, and the image weight should not exceed 120 KB. Due to the availability of different formats, the image can be static (PNG, JPG) or dynamic (GIF).
Image size for YAN
Are you interested in attracting clients lack data with contextual advertising? We will conduct an effective advertising campaign, increase targeted traffic, the number of leads and the level of sales for your business. In addition to advertising format technical nuances, there are also general advertising requirements for YAN banners , which apply, in particular, to this promotion method . These include restrictions on products whose advertising is prohibited in Yandex, and conditions for the design of advertising messages: If a GIF banner ad uses a flickering background and elements, or if they move quickly across the area, it will most likely be rejected at the moderation stage.