The right ad is a big step towards the desired result. Everyone wants to receive clients already “hot”, in other words – ready to make a south africa phone number library purchase. And you can warm up interest already at the stage of the advertising message. Make three different ads, apply different offers and track the results. After analyzing the data, you will get information about which of them is more effective.
Similar settings in search and networks
With the help of search, the user article originally appeared is looking for a specific answer, here and now. In networks, Google media advertising may appear several days after the request. There was one case. The ad offered balloons for the holidays. Before March 8, the CTR indicators , accordingly, increased. But when networks began to integrate it after the holiday, many people switched purely for the sake of interest, creating empty traffic that drained the budget.
Creating consumer groups
Each individual group of customers requires a separate approach. If you are selling refrigerators, for example, there may be such cases: one fresh list group is looking for a simple household refrigerator for home. Here, the first place is most often played by price and such bonuses as free delivery, discount or gift. And the second group is restaurateurs who need large freezers that can store food for a long time. In this case, quality will take a more important position than price, and you are unlikely to interest anyone with an offer to receive a refrigerator care product as a gift. That is why this point is one of the main ones.
We have analyzed the first half of the possible problems of PPC specialists who use contextual advertising placement in Google . Each of them is individual and requires verification and development, but having carried out these manipulations, you will certainly understand how to increase the effectiveness of contextual advertising . In the second part, we will continue the analysis and tell you what other troubles there is a chance to encounter in the world of contextual advertising.