At the end of summer, we all discussed what the future holds for Telegram. And now we can clearly see that the popular messenger has not slowed down. Moreover, it is actively developing and continues to please its users with new functionality, introducing useful updates for business.
In October 2024, Telegram launched a new service , Telegram Gateway , which allows sending authorization codes to users directly to their phone numbers. SIGMA messaging has already successfully integrated this functionality into its multi-channel platform, which opens up new advantages for our clients in interacting with their audience. In this article, we will talk in detail about these advantages and what prospects we see for the future.
Benefits of verification via Telegram
- Popularity. With over 1 billion users, take telegram advertising service is the second most popular messenger in Russia. This means that ignoring the opportunities it offers to businesses is short-sighted, to say the least, since a significant portion of your customers are active users of the messenger. They already trust it, which increases their loyalty when verifying through this channel.
- Customer convenience also plays an important role . Your customers do not need to enter complex confirmation codes. They just need to allow the messenger to transfer information about the phone number, which minimizes the number of actions when buying or registering and improves the user experience.
- Security and reliability. Telegram provides a high level of data protection and inspires greater trust among users. All information is transmitted through encrypted channels, which minimizes the risk of data leakage.
- Increased conversion. Convenience and speed of verification directly affect conversion. The fewer steps a client needs to go through, the higher the probability of completing registration or purchase.
- Cost reduction. Our multi-channel platform allows you to set up cascading mailings. Telegram, as the most cost-effective channel, can be the first stage of this chain. If the message is not delivered to the messenger, the system will automatically send the code in SMS.
As Telegram emphasizes
One of the main advantages of the messenger for business is what is seo and what factors should you consider to optimize your positioning? of sending authorization messages, significantly lower than WhatsApp and especially SMS.
And cascading resending from SIGMA messaging allows using other channels only in case of non-delivery in Telegram, this will significantly reduce the number of messages sent, and therefore costs.
Thus, verification via Telegram will become an important tool for companies with a large customer base or companies using various communication channels. This will help to significantly reduce the costs of the user authorization process.
What do we expect from the messenger in the future?
The current functionality allows sending only authorization messages. However, Telegram is constantly adapting to the needs of users and the china data market, making it one of the most innovative messengers. In the near future, we can expect an expansion of functionality, including service and marketing mailings.
This development will allow for a more comprehensive interaction model, where authorization messages will be just the first step to deeper communications.
The new functionality from Telegram and SIGMA messaging opens up new opportunities for businesses that provide another approach to interacting with customers. Verification via Telegram not only simplifies the authorization process and reduces costs, but also significantly improves the user experience, making it more intuitive. Integrating a new verification channel into the SIGMA messaging platform is an important step towards developing your multichannel strategy, which will allow you to interact with your audience as effectively as possible.
Register on the website and learn more about Telegram verification, as well as other features of our multi-channel platform for your business!