You will not worry about paying your commissions. Over time, as you gain experience, you will have the opportunity to participate in a ukraine phone number library competition and win a valuable prize!Emergency optimization work Optimization of an advertising campaign is a set of activities aimed at achieving a successful result. Registration, subscription, purchase, or other. While running an advertising campaign (AC) aims to increase CTR and reduce the cost per click, optimizing advertising costs is directly focused on conversion.
The achievement of the goal of contextual advertising
As well as the ratio between target visits ai marketing: the revolution of artificial intelligence in marketing and the number of clicks. You need to optimize your advertising campaign on a regular basis, but don’t rush. It’s better to wait until detailed analytics appear (once every 2-3 months is enough). A convenient tool for working with data is the “Report Wizard”. Here you can select the necessary filters and set up the conditions for issuing indicators.
Report Wizard in Yandex
Direct In this example, we selected fresh list expenses, conversion, and goal cost for each keyword. By sorting the list by goal cost, you can understand which conversion costs more and start optimizing it. Necessary actions You can use radical methods of advertising optimization. However, if the keys for RSA still bring some kind of result (not one application, but an optimal number) and the indicator of positive interactions suits you, then you should not immediately turn it off when the cost of the goal increases.