We made calculations bas on volumes of about 30.
Square meters of tiles per shift; how long it will last depends on many factors (what kind of tiles you produce, how you process them afterwards, and what equipment you have).
So,, something like SPD-300 will do, the cost of something like this on the market today is about 100,000 rubles, but if you buy a us one, you can save 40-60 percent (depending on who sells it and how quickly they want to get rid of it), then there is a vibrating table, which allows you to automate.
What was previously done by hand
Its price is asia mobile number list about 30-35 thousand rubles, you will have to pay another 5-6 thousand for a bath for washing molds. We will also ne a special heat bath (for stripping), the cost of which is at the level of 8-12,000 rubles (depending on the brand and technical characteristics), and most importantly – plastic forms, which will give the desir look to the future solution. In total, the most expensive part of the tile production business plan will cost ~ 165-180 thousand rubles, which is not that much, for most types of activities sometimes one position of the necessary equipment costs several times more.
To produce tiles, we will ne basic
Materials that can action mixer be easily obtain anywhere, namely sand-cement concrete, for its production you implementing speech analytics in a bank will only ne water, sand, cement, and a plasticizer. As a result, it will take about 3,000 rubles to prepare a cubic meter of “basic material”, which will produce afb directory about 16 square meters of finish tiles, it turns out that we spend no more than 200 rubles to produce one square meter, you can see for yourself how much a similar amount of material costs “on the market” – it is definitely several times more.