What do you think about making 2025 a year of shared value?

Every new year brings with it new challenges denmark phone number library and many “good intentions”. Which we at camp always like to transform into concrete actions . In digital. As in offline life. We are truly satisfied only when we manage to bring about a tangible improvement. And what is better than being able to make a difference where it really counts?

Let’s Start the Year with a Gesture That Matters: Let’s Support Those Who Do Good

This is why we have chosen to dedicate the beginning. Of 2025 to supporting an association in our area . Andos valle camonica – sebino . Which for over more high pressure areas twenty years has offered support and hope to women who have undergone breast surgery. Demonstrating how small gestures can generate big changes. Their dedication has inspired and motivated us . And we hope it can have the same effect on anyone who discovers the enthusiasm with. Which they dedicate themselves to their projects for the community.

For us. Supporting their work means giving a deeper meaning to our work and. Through our digital projects. Our customers also become protagonists of this chain of solidarity.



What do you think is andos valle camonica – sebino

This organization provides assistance to women who are facing or have faced breast cancer. Among the volunteers there are doctors. And women who have experienced the disease firsthand and who offer an empathetic point of reference. For those who are also facing difficult times. Their work is not limited to emotional. Support : the association is actively involved in prevention. Awareness-raising and fundraising activities for. The purchase of essential medical equipment . Which is then donated to the esine hospital (precision radiological equipment. Medical cameras. Ultrasound scanners. Probes and other tools essential for diagnosis and treatment).

Among the association’s numerous initiatives

Events such as “october in pink” stand agent email list out. A campaign dedicated to the importance of prevention. And “percorsi salute”. Which offer afternoons at the spa as therapeutic moments of relaxation . But also beauty workshops. Self-help groups such as “serene variabili”. What do you think and autogenic training sessions.


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