Whenever people hear this:

Who would have thought?

Yes, anyone who knows me knows that I am notorious for my daily emails.

I would write them a fun email every day .

This is why daily emails don’t work for 99% of people out there .

What? daily emails?

Then everyone will log off , which is really annoying .

Yes, it’s annoying when the emails aren’t fun.

The emails not only have to provide value and added value, they first have to be fun and then provide value and be useful.

Many people forget this or don’t know it because they have no idea, because they simply haven’t tried it.

If you try it once you will understand how important entertainment is in marketing.

Roastery owners, small business owners, tax advisors and so on, they are only human.

They also want to have fun in life.

They also want to have fun when they open their email inbox.

99% of the emails in your inbox are not fun.

They are work , they are annoying , they are just advertising or they are tasks that your boss has assigned to you that you are supposed to do.

For this reason,

If your emails are fun, you’ll be the bright spot in their inbox.

This is what my readers say about my newsletter

That’s why I would write entertaining emails every day, of course always with an offer at the end that they can contact me if they want company .

Simply arrange a telephone appointment and then sell my service there.

(Reading tip: 30 proven ways to build your email list )

#6 Switch to kuwait email list a licensed product
Switch to a licensed product .

This is the last step.

In the long term, I would switch from the service to an information product , specifically a licensed product .

I would leave my service after I have worked with 3 clients for a whole year, maybe a second year, and from this experience I would create a license.

So already finished materials, manuals, templates and so on.

Sell ​​all this as a marketing package for roasters for maybe €5000

They could then buy it and have permanent access to these materials, to this library, to all the knowledge that it contains.

Plus support from creating and managing sales funnels me, but not really done-for-you and also no one-on-one support , but rather support in the sense that they can ask questions.

Maybe add a community be numbers behind it for roastery owners who don’t compete with each other, because I imagine that would be rather difficult.

Therefore, I would just leave it at the info product , i.e. licensed product.

You are, in a sense, buying the right to use these materials, along with support.

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