You don’t offer a product or service

When you start growing your online business, you can waste a lot of time and energy on statistics and not see the results you want. If you don’t know exactly how to turn that traffic into profits, then those numbers are meaningless.

Do you have a product or service to offer that  belgium telegram data will help you make more than what you paid for website visitors?

If not, then it’s best to hold off until you have a product to sell. Or, at least know what you want to achieve with more traffic to your website, for example: a larger email list, or more awareness of your business. Also, don’t forget to see if the traffic was worth your time or money.

You don’t have a sales funnel

A website and a sales pipeline do not have the same purpose.

A website is like a digital brochure that encourages aimless browsing and does not speed up decision-making.

A sales pipeline, on the other hand, is like having your best salesperson guide each visitor through the marketplace: addressing every objection, reassuring them, and suggesting your product or service as the obvious solution.

After making sure that none of the above problems you should not spam when using queries either  exist, you can follow the following 8 strategies to increase traffic:

1. Facebook Ads

The numbers speak for themselves: over 6 million businesses use Facebook ads to engage their target audience. It would be a shame not to take advantage of this as a business.

When advertising on Facebook to increase traffic to your website, you should pay attention to the following:

Targeting your audience is not easy.
Potential customers are not the right ones. Users are not coming to you because they searched for you themselves.
You have to sell something. To make a profit after these ads, you have to sell a product that will give you more profit than the advertising costs.

2. Google Ads

Every day, 4.4 billion queries are entered into Google – and this number is growing by 10% every year.

Your customers definitely use Google.

You need to find out what your audience asia email list  is searching for and then bid on those specific keyword phrases. There are paid tools like Ahrefs or Buzzsumo to do keyword research, or free tools like Ubersuggest.

Google ads receive 65% of clicks when the search phrase begins with purchase intent keywords, while organic (free) results receive 35%. Give more importance to keyword phrases that indicate users want to buy.

3. Price Comparison Engines

A price comparison engine is a website or application that compares products from various eshops with the aim of helping consumers find the best price for any product they are looking for and for eshop owners to showcase their products to more people.

But, the price comparison engine only lists the items and users have to click to buy from you.

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