NPS – Do you know what it is and what it is for?

Do you know what NPS (Net Promoter Score) is a customer satisfaction methodology that was develop to assess the degree of know what it loyalty of any company profile. Its objective is to improve the company’s performance based on the feedback collected.

What are the advantages of using NPS?

It is less manipulable and more effective when poland whatsapp number data to other satisfaction survey methods. We can highlight some more key points:


It can be easily used by any company, regardless of size or sector, measuring both overall satisfaction and satisfaction at each point of contact with the consumer. In addition, it is possible to monitor customer satisfaction at all times.


Your company can use anything from a growth in the use of automation systems form with spreadsheets to gather everything, to existing tools to obtain the feedback generated.
It’s easy for customers because a single question is. Taking just a few minutes and not causing wear and tear.


Because the results are simple to contact lists and Do you know what (qualitative and quantitative), it is possible to contact the client immediately after their evaluation.


Any survey can  manipulat. With NPS the margin is much smaller because it is a single. OBJECTIVE question and customers cannot by the order in which these questions appear. In addition, there are various practices that ensure the reliability of the responses.

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