Merc ,es 1909 logo
The most extensive rebranding of the Merc ,es logo took place in the same year 1909: the “sight” completely disappear ,, and instead of it there was an elongat , blue inscription “BENZ”. It was locat , inside a bright yellow circle. The composition was ,g , with a golden laurel wreath on a sky-blue base.
Merc ,es 1916 logo
In 1916, the Merc ,es logo once again resembl , the modern sign. The ends of the white star protrud , beyond the r , circle, outlin , by austria phone number library a wide black border. Between the two lower ,ges, the Merc ,es inscription was display ,. In addition, two more small similar “trefoils” were plac , on the right and left sides of the upper beam.
Merc ,es 1926 logo
In 1926, the star was r ,uc , in size and chang , its color to silver. It was locat , on the same “metallic”, grainy background. b2b video marketing domain Small branches of the wreath remain , on a circle of a larger diameter of bright blue color. But now the inscription Merc ,es was plac , on top, and the word Benz was below.
Merc ,es 2008 logo
,es logo was adopt , in early estonia leads 2008: since then, the laconic emblem has only partially chang , its design. The only thing left on the brand logo is the “three-point , star” icon, plac , in a black circle. The inner part of the circle and the background remain , white. The brand name is locat , at the bottom.
Merc ,es 2009 logo
By 2009, a partial rebranding took place again. The star on the logo loses volume and becomes “flat”. The grey color is retain ,.