Corporate family responsibility digital marketing

Digital marketing  If there is a topic closely related to Corporate Social Responsibility, it is Corporate Family Responsibility . Helping your employees balance their work and family life is a fundamental value for your workforce to feel proud of being part of it.

For years companies have focused their strategy

on markets, competition, products, etc., neglecting the telegram number database core that makes it work: employees . Human capital is vital and that is digital marketing  why more and more companies are implementing resources to improve the working conditions of their employees inside and outside the office. “We have all heard about the employee of the month award.”

Corporate family responsibility is the commitment how to build an email list from scratch companies make to promote leadership, culture, and company policies to facilitate the integration of work, family*, and personal life for their employees.

*When we talk about the term family we must clarify that it not only refers to people with whom you share blood ties but also to your personal and social relationships.

Family-friendly company:

Flexible schedule it is very important that the rationalization of hours, arrivals belize lists and departures are not too rigid. Avoiding compressed weeks and facilitating and implementing favorable conditions in the event of personal unforeseen events are just some of the time solutions that are already being applied to improve the coexistence between work and personal life.

Evaluation by quality of work and not by the hours spent on it

The important thing is that work is well done and digital marketing  presented on time. The number of hours an employee spends on a task should not be monitored with an iron fist to be used against him. However, it is important to value positively if a person has dedicated extra time to a task, as long as what is rewarded is a job well done.

Ease of work at home

Work spaces are not important as long as they. Allow you to do your job properly. Which is why a different conception of spaces helps. Positively to achieve conciliation. Being able to work from different. Places other than the office, or having spaces enabled for families (nurseries, for example) are aspects highly valued by workers. This philosophy of work spaces favors the management of unforeseen personal situations that can arise at any time.

Maternity and paternity leave

Although this is an element that is protected by la. Some companies still place many obstacles in these matters, and sometimes women are fired.

Managers and chiefs in general are the key piece

implement these actions in the company culture. It is therefore essential to bring this philosophy to all areas of the company . It would also be advisable to create a figure. Of supervision and attention to Corporate Family Responsibility. In this way your company will be creating the necessary. Environment for the construction. Of a healthy atmosphere among workers. Thanks to this we will be. Generating commitment and trust among the members of the company.

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