DonaldTrump – Following the press release announcing his positive test for Covid-19. The the American president stage his recovery in record time on Twitter . While Twitter reminde that it was illegal to wish someone death on the platform. The Donald Trump’s “miraculous” recovery quickly went viral. At the end of the week. The Facebook and Twitter blocke a message from Donald Trump on Covid-19 in which he claime that this virus was less dangerous than the seasonal flu.
White House spokeswoman
Kayleigh McEnany also teste positive and on social networks at the lack business to consumer database of measures to protect them . This week in France Neighboring rights. the courts validate Google’s obligation to negotiate with the French press. The conference “Digital and Environment. The let’s bring the transitions together” TO REMEMBER THIS WEEK. 3 FIGURES In less than 3 weeks. The more than 10% of households in the Nordic countries have subscribe to Disney+ Instagram’s advertising revenue ($20 billion last year) accounts for 30% of Facebook’s revenue.
11 million French people use
TikTok every day. The with an average daily usage time of overcoming sales management challenges one hour (Source. Bloomberg) CHART OF THE WEEK. Infographic. 5G deployment in Europe | StatistaYou can find more infographics on Statista</a OUR BEST READS / WORTH YOUR TIME / LONG READ Cyberpunk 2020. How We All Became Hackers Journalism is facing a crisis of confidence. Journalists are split into two camps to find a solution.
Why the meia is also getting into
TikTok DISRUPTION. The DISLOCATION. The GLOBALIZATION “Web platforms clean email produce nothing but appropriate most of the revenues” “Decentralize memes”. The or the web humor that mocks Paris as much as the provinces DATA. The TRUST. The FREeOM OF THE PRESS. The DISINFORMATION EU justice opposes mass collection of internet and telephone connection data by states Microsoft must no longer manage the health data of French people.