Selecting the time of the show

Let’s say you’re helping drivers who’ve been in accidents or stuck in skids. You set the campaign time slot to work hours. However, if you thailand phone number library think about it logically, cars are most often used before/after work. Retargeting and remarketing It may happen that the attracted user who visited the site got distracted and left your page. This could be caused by various factors – a traffic jam, a dead phone, a friend came.

But there is a chance that

If he sees the ad again, he will finish what are they and why is it important to analyze them? what he started and make a purchase. Incorrect or missing geotargeting If the business is localized in one place, or you are tied to one territory (city, region), this is a very important point. Often this concerns delivery services, catering, beauty salons, gyms. No one will go to the other end of the city to work out in the gym or eat pizza. Moving or copying a campaign between systems Let’s imagine that you have an advertising campaign set up in Direct, and you decided to transfer it to Google.

You can do this using

Aspecial tool “Teleport to Google vietnamese offer advertising”. But you need to carefully check all the details manually. This is due to the fact that each system has its own features, to which you need to adapt the advertising campaign. Splitting campaigns In addition to creating separate campaigns for search and networks, it is necessary to make a clear division by key categories. The more professionally the architecture is organized, the easier it will be to control budget costs and analyze success.


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