The second one queries the results

SERPs like it used to be. As you can see in the image above, Google pulls in other parts of your blog post that include the keywords being searched, presumably to give searchers the best context as to how the results match their specific query. Let me give you another example. Below are two different search queries that provide two different text snippets on the Google SERP. The first is the result of the query “no index no follow” and introduces the original meta description:  for “noindex nofollow” and extracts the first instance of these specific keywords in the

Body of the blog post

While you can’t influence the text that’s pulled in, you Australia Phone Number Data  should continue to optimize this metadata as well as your posts so that search engines display the best content from your articles. By creating easy-to-read content that includes natural keywords, you make it easier for Google to prove your post’s relevance in the SERPs for you. 5. Include image alt text. Blog posts shouldn’t just contain text—they should also include images that help explain and support your content. However, search engines don’t just look for images. Instead, they look for images with image alt text.

Phone Number Data

You may be wondering why

this is the case. Since search engines can’t  images Australia Phone Number List  the way humans can, the image’s alt text tells the search engine what the image is about. This ultimately helps these images rank in the image results pages of search engines. Image alt text can also provide a better user experience (UX). When an image cannot The second one queries be found or displayed, it is displayed inside an image container. Technically, alt text is an attribute that can be added to image tags Here’s what a complete image tag 

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